NHSH PDS Awareness, Education & Training
An Introduction to Personality Disorder: Enhancing Practice
This learning experience will be delivered via a combination of self-directed study (approx 3 hours) and a live online webinar (3 hours). Webinars can be booked here. (Please note these are only available to NHS Highland staff and partners).
Completion of the self-directed study activities below will be required prior to attending the live workshop. We recommend that the self-directed study is completed as close to the live webinar date as possible. The video below suggests completing the self-directed study on the morning of the live webinar afternoon.
These activities will help to inform the live webinar in the afternoon, where there will also be opportunities to ask any questions or seek clarification regarding any of the sections below. Additional resources for the live webinar can also be found in the Live Webinar section below.
Step 1
Introduction & Welcome
Aim of the Self-directed Study/Webinar:
Participants will feel more confident in effectively supporting the self-management of people with personality disorder.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of this course, you will be expected to be able to:
Explain what is meant by “personality disorder” in basic terms
Describe current ideas regarding factors (including trauma) which contribute to the development of personality disorder
Explain how personality disorder affects people who experience it
Identify where effective treatments and self-management resources are available
Describe some of the challenges that can be encountered for people with personality disorder, staff members and the team
Apply the basic principles of effectively engaging with people with personality disorder in your day-to-day work
Explain the importance of validation in working effectively with people with personality disorder
Acknowledge the importance of looking after oneself and colleagues at work, and the importance of a supportive team
Demonstrate a positive attitude to working with people with personality disorder, thereby helping to reduce stigma
Understand and explain the phase based model or recovery
Know how to access the Highland Integrated Care Pathway for personality disorder & have an awareness of its content and how to apply to clinical situations.
Please complete this pre-questionnaire before you begin, thank you!
Step 2
An Introduction to Personality
(Suggested time for completion: 30 minutes)
Watch the video below to learn more about the Big 5 Personality Traits.
You can learn more about your own Big 5 by completing this online questionnaire.
Write down any reflections you may have on the Big 5.
Consider why it may be important to consider the Big 5 when working with individuals in practice.
Step 3
Risk Factors which may lead to the development of a personality disorder
(Suggested Time: 35 minutes)
There are many factors that can contribute to the development of a personality disorder, we will discuss these in more detail during the live workshop. One factor may be the experience of adverse childhood experiences or other traumatic events. It is important to note that not everyone with a diagnosis of personality disorder will have experienced trauma but it is important to be mindful of the possibility when working with individuals.
Trauma is a complex subject, the following videos will provide an introduction to trauma, adverse childhood experiences and how they may impact on an individual’s mental and physical health.
Write down any reflections or learning points related to these videos.
Optional: Consider what your own ACE score may be (See ACE Questionnaire in additional resources)
Step 4
Trauma Informed Practice
(Suggested time: 20 mins)
It is so important to consider how we work with individuals who have a history of experiencing traumatic events in order for them to engage effectively with services as well as reduce the likelihood of re-traumatisation. Please watch the video and consider the following reflective questions:
After watching the Opening Doors Video, consider the following questions:
How might their experience of trauma affect someone as they come into contact with you in practice?
How might the impact of a person’s experience of trauma interfere with your role and the work you do with them?
Reflecting on a previous interaction with a person who has experienced trauma, Consider the key principles of Safety, Choice, Collaboration, Control, Empowerment & Trust. Were these principles present and if so, how did they impact on your ability to work with this individual. If not, what could have been done differently?
Further training on Trauma Informed Practice can be found here.
Step 5
How a personality disorder may impact on an individual
(suggested time: 20 minutes)
Watch the mind map video and reflect on an individual you have worked with in the past, can you identify their cycle of Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviours and Relationships?
Optional: You may also wish to reflect on your own common cycle.
Step 6
(suggested time to complete 50 minutes)
Watch the video on General Principles and consider the following questions:​
1. Were you surprised by any of the principles?
2. Can you identify an example of when you have observed these principles in practice? What impact did the principles have on person-centred care?
​3. Reflect on an example from your practice when using these principles may have helped you work more effectively with an individual. Are there any principles in particular that would have been of benefit and if so, which ones?
An additional video on the Levels of Validation with some role play examples can also be found here.​
Further training on Motivational Interviewing can be found here.
Step 7
Attend the Live Webinar
We look forward to meeting you at the Live Webinar, once you have registered you should receive a MS Teams link via email.
Live Webinar Materials
Welcome to the Live Webinar element of the Introduction to personality Disorder training. Below you will find access to all of the relevant materials that we will be referring to during the course of the webinar along with additional resources that you may find to be of interest.